Friday 28 August 2009

Day 15 symptoms

Today my thoughts and feelings are mainly concentrated on my toes.
They seem to think they are sweaty but, when touched by the human hand, dry as a bone. During the night they heated up hot hot hot like a Nando's sauce but when touched they were cold. There seems to be a disparity between the feelings inside and the feeling outside which has made me come to the conclusion that an MS attack is like creating a shell on the outside of ones skin.
Also today I tried to walk in a straight line. My legs were having none of it and I gave up when a granny commented that its not as easy as it looks. I totally agree. For the moment anyway.

Things to do during a Convalesence Session #2

Changing up the sick bay can be a good thing. Today I am in Brighton and as the rain came down me and my favourite Pole had a shnuffle on the sofa and touched on our favourite movie genre, The RomCom! First up was Bridget Jones Diary followed by Bridget Jones 2: The Edge of Reason. Both fantastic displays of a fine balance between romance and comedy.
In preparation of our friends' up coming nuptials tomorrow (Mr & Mrs Graziano), tonight we will have a premiere viewing of Maid of Honour and a rerun of a potential top 10 hitter, 27 Dresses.
The Romcomometer is gonna go off the scale!

Thursday 27 August 2009

Convalescence song #1

This song is in my head for about 79% of my waking day

Day 14 - Symptoms

*My legs feel like two magnetic poles pushing against each other.
*I have more feeling on the skin of my legs and can now tell that the backs of my knees are slightly sweating which means it must be shower time.
*The Monster Munch (my toes) feel as though they are really sweaty but to the touch they are just cold. The two big guys are a bit dead but they don't like it when I bang them together.

Things to do during a Convalescence Session #1

If Mohammed cant get to the mountain then the mountain best come to Mohammed. In true WAG style Aneta from London Lash Expert came round to my sick bay last night and added some extensions to the lids of my eyes. I now resemble a doe eyed bambi. Perfect for upcoming events when I will be allowed out onto the streets of London and flutter my eyes at unsuspecting men and women.
So at the moment my life isn't resembling an issue of Time Out London as it usually does. I'm having to spend about 99% of my time indoors which is not my place of choice in August but Im not really grumbling. Instead of playing spider solitaire, freecell and learning the price of each piece of Marc Jacobs clothing on I thought I would put my time to some better use and write about my multplie sclerosis symptoms (for family and well wishers and maybe other people who have similar experiences) and what I could be doing with my time (for me).
I just realised that this is like making a diary for the whole world to see. Gross.